Sunday, February 10, 2013

Interacting with the kids at HA-336

It was inspiring to listen to the Compassion staff at Verettes tell about the work being done  thru the Child Survival Program and the Child Development Sponsorship Program.  But, listening and watching was not all we did while we were there!  We were "on the ground" so to speak, with the kids, in Haiti!  It was a sponsor's dream, so we took advantage of it all we could...

We gave out lots of stickers and stick-on earrings...

Mingled with the kids and took lots of photos.

Held kids who wanted to be cuddled...
Held hands with the ones who were a little shy....
Or tried to entice the shyest ones to come to us!

The kids were excited and happy to have special visitors. 

We were loving it, and the kids were, too!

We had kids following us everywhere we went.

Sandra even helped tie a shoelace.

Kids from the US in our group shared and played with Haitian kids.

Lynn gave fist bumps!

Shelby radiated her love for the kids thru her smile!
The kids at HA-336 live in a community of great poverty as far as their material processions, but from what we saw at the project center, they have a wealth of hope and expressed their joy in the simple thing that matters most - love!

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