Thursday, March 21, 2013

Compassion Sunday "Commercial"

Now that I've reached the climax of my story.... meeting Kimberlie, it seems like perfect timing to take a short pause to post a "commercial".  I hope you won't quickly "change the channel".  

I'd love for you to take a minute (really, that's all the time it will take, just like a real commercial!) to read my Compassion Sunday story.  I wrote it in response to a new Compassion bloggers assignment.  If you've had any thoughts while reading my blog-- maybe you wish you could change a life in this way, too, then perhaps it's time for you to become a sponsor.   

I've searched on the Compassion website and picked a little girl to "advertise".   She looks like a real sweetie (click on the link above to see her picture and read my story). She is from Guatemala, the very first country we sponsored in.  We began sponsoring because we wanted to honor my Mom, who had passed away.  It has been such a blessing over the years since then to have a relationship with our sponsored kids.  Our girl in Guatemala wrote wonderful letters to us for about 5 years, until her circumstances improved enough that she left the program (which was bitter-sweet, of course!).  I hope that someone will decide to sponsor Katerin soon.  If you do, please leave me a comment!

Oh, and the commercial ends like this, "if two children are sponsored thru my story, Compassion will give a $50 family gift to one of my sponsored kids".  But... "that's not all" -- the people who sponsor the kids will receive an even greater blessing by being sponsors.  I know, it happened to me!

Thanks for "watching".    

PS- If you'd like more info about Katerin, here is her bio from the Compassion website:
Birthday:  July 08, 2004
Age:  8
Gender:  Female
Region:   Middle America
Country:  Guatemala
Program:  Nueva Vida Student Center

Personal and Family Information:
Katerin lives with her father and her mother. Her duties at home include carrying water, washing clothes and making beds. There are 3 children in the family. Her father is employed as a farmer and her mother is sometimes employed as a laborer.

Playing jacks, swimming and singing are Katerin's favorite activities. In kindergarten her performance is average and she also regularly attends Vacation Bible School.

Please remember Katerin in your prayers. Your love and support will help her to receive the assistance she needs to grow and develop.

1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful stories of connection & redemption! Your mom will be so blessed one day to meet this grandchild of sorts:)

    Praying Katerin finds her Compassion family. I'm a fellow Compassion blogger over at, nice to meet you!
